Shane aka NM Bearded Man


What got you into cannabis?

Well it started quite some time ago. I was in my youth years and was diagnosed with ADHD and ADD, with that I was prescribed Ritalin. I soon knew after starting to take it I did not like the way it made me feel. I was then introduced to cannabis by a high school friend of mine. One time smoking cannabis I felt something better I guess you could say, something right. I knew that was the medicine I needed and well it’s been upwards and onwards from there.

What got you in the industry, like what’s your passion?

Well I started in the traditional industry. I have been selling and growing for a good majority of my life, but when medical started up here in New Mexico I jumped on board with seven clover. Helping them open and do some great things. From there I helped out a few other dispensaries as well as have owned and ran my own farm. I think the biggest passion I guess you could say in this industry for me is teaching people. There is so much about this amazing plant in so many different aspects. It is truly amazing.

What are you up to/ doing in the industry now?

I am actually up to quite a bit lol. I guess let me start by saying here soon I will be dropping a new product that I have been in collaboration with a local manufacturer (Lift Equation). Here soon the edible game will change with a new New Mexico red hot sauce and New Mexico green hot sauce that will be available in medical dosage and recreational dosage. I am also consulting for a couple farms in New Mexico. 

What do you have planned in the future?

That’s kind of a tough one I am pretty spontaneous lol. But I do know I will be working a lot with a good friend of mine DJ Sider and collaborating on some cannabis events as well as doing a little traveling to promote the new hot sauce products. But other than that raising my kiddos. Funny fact a lot of people don’t know but I am a single dad of four amazing children. 

Anyways with that being said I truly appreciate the interview, the time, and the support in the community.

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